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A sustainable workplace
It is important to us to be an employer that works for personal sustainability.
A sustainable workplace begins with employees who last a lifetime and in turn can contribute to a positive and sustainable community development.
Our business is built and developed by brave and curious and heart centered employees, who together create an organization characterized by competence, innovation and job satisfaction.

Diversity an asset
We believe in an open and inclusive work culture where all employees are respected and encouraged to contribute with their unique skills and perspectives.
We see diversity as an asset and a source of innovation and creativity and are looking for new employees with different backgrounds. Of course, we also work for an equal workplace and would like to see more male applicants.

Become a key player!
With us, you get the opportunity to work in a dynamic company with short decision-making paths where a large focus is on our business development.
We have a strong culture of openness, transparency and collaboration between all functions in the organization. Where the opportunity to directly influence is great and a curious approach gives the opportunity to take an idea all the way to a finished product.
Our core values
We stand for being good at what we do. We also dare to be honest about what we are not yet capable of.
We question what we do today, to make it even better tomorrow.
Heart Centered
We have the heart with us both in business decisions and in everyday life.
A coworker perspective
My role is to support the company's management, HR and colleagues by running a variety of projects and ensuring a harmonious and well-functioning workplace. I really love my job thanks to the great variety in my tasks and the appreciation I get from my amazing colleagues. We have a very nice atmosphere in our office and we really live by our values
Eva Kandel
Executive Assistant & Office Manager
What makes me feel so good at Unimedic Pharma is that we are a small company that grows and develops, which gives the opportunity to explore new areas and be part of an exciting success journey. With us, all functions work together closely, which means that you get a good insight into the entire business. Decisions and improvements are implemented quickly. The company's core values guide and lead me and my colleagues in a good way in the daily work
Magnus Fougstedt
Marketing Director
I have been Sales Manager at Unimedic Pharma since 2019 and must say that the company has really changed in a positive way in recent years. The company has not only had strong growth and development in both size and turnover, but also in the way we work together. In my role, I often work Nordic. The countries are very different, which places high demands on us as a company. I really appreciate that we can team up and work quickly to reach solutions together. I enjoy the company very much, because it is in the speed and cooperation that we have our strength as a company in my opinion
Carl Frisk
Sales Director
I like to think of my HR role as the oil in the machinery, focusing on one of the company's greatest assets, all the fantastic and competent employees who work here. In my eyes, the R in HR stands for Relationships because good (human) relationships are absolutely essential for good business. My mission includes ensuring that we never stop working to maintain and preserve an open, prestigeless and accepting work climate where Curiosity, Courage and Heart Centered are part of our DNA
Marianne Busekist
Head of Human Relations
Our Workplace
We believe in an informal work environment where we see and encourage each other. Where all employees have the confidence to take responsibility in and for their work and have the authority to make decisions.
We want to challenge the status quo and are driven by improvement, to think outside the box but also create space for reflection and mindfulness in everyday life.
We believe that good results are not a coincidence but the result of commitment, perseverance and having fun at work.
As employed
As an employee you should feel secure in your rights even as we age, which is why we have collective agreements and occupational pensions.
We want our employees to have a good balance between work and private life. Therefore, we offer our employees flexibility, great trust and shorter working weeks.
We aim to have healthy and sustainable employees who have proper opportunities for rest and recovery. That's why we offer 30 days of vacation per year and work hard to ensure that our employees actually take out their vacation days
Health comes first! We offer all our employees wellness benefits, health insurance and joint activities. We can also offer gym and group trainings in the office building
We believe that one of the keys to success is constant learning and opportunities to develop. We work in a structured and systematic way with competence development and offer, among other things, e-learning during working hours, Learning Thursdays and Developing Mondays.
The company for you?
Take the chance to become a key player in an organization where the focus is on strengths rather than weaknesses. Where we learn from each other and are proud and committed to what we do. Where Courage, Curiosity and Heart meet expertise and together we can solve the impossible.
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About Unimedic Pharma
We supply the Nordic countries and northern Europe with a wide range of medicines in several therapeutic areas. The business is divided into two business areas: registered specialist medicines and Non- licensed medicines.